SMP Racing Esports Pilots’ Code of Conduct

  1. General provisions
    1. Non-profit organization SMP RACING (“The Organizer”), adheres to the same sporting principles as the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF).
    2. Setting up this Code of Conduct, the Organizer used the RAF Sports Code and its Appendices as a basis.
    3. This Code of Conduct must not contain any wording that violates the requirements of the current Russian legislation in the field of sports, as well as the rules established by the RAF.
    4. This Code of Conduct establishes the technical, organizational and other foundations of digital motorsport, terms and definitions, rights and obligations of organizers, participants, officials participating in the competition.
    5. The goals of the Organizer's activities are the development of digital motor sports, its promotion, as well as the popularization of motorsport and motorsport rules.
    6. For multi-stage competitions, the competition Regulations published by the organizer and regulating the details of its conduct are mandatory.
    7. During the competition, the Organizer and the judges communicate with the participants using SMP Racing Esports Discord server.
    8. The official source of information about the competition is SMP Racing Esports Discord server.
    9. Regulatory documents attached to this Code of Conduct is SMP Racing Esports Set of Rules, located under link below. Penalty overview is also attached under link below.
    10. The Organizer resolves any issues that arise and relate to the interpretation of this Code of Conduct or its regulatory documents.
    11. Sports judges who are members of the board of Stewards cannot be employees or otherwise represent the interests of participants, teams or other organizations directly or indirectly interested in the results of an individual participant or team participating in the competition (for a multi–stage competition - in any of the stages).
  2. Terms and definitions.
    1. Simulator is a software package used for conducting digital motorsport competitions.
    2. Server is a hardware and software complex that provides communication between participants, providing them with the opportunity to interact with each other within the Simulator.
    3. Client is a software component of the Simulator installed on the participant’s equipment.
    4. Ping is the time spent on transmitting a packet of gaming information in computer networks from the Client to the Server and back from the Server to the Client.
    5. Multi-stage competition is a sports competition, the final result of which is determined by the totality of the results shown at its individual stages. Championships, cups and series are considered one competition, although their stages, in turn, are also independent competitions.
    6. Stage of a multi-stage competition (stage) is a separate competition, an integral part of a multi-stage competition, participation in which is determined by the participant independently.
    7. Practice/training event is an event aimed at improving the sportsmanship of pilots. It may include theoretical and organizational parts, and other measures to prepare for competitions with the participation of Pilots.
    8. Racing session - briefing, practice, qualification and race for one participant within one stage of the championship.
    9. Competition Regulations are a mandatory official document published by the organizer of a particular competition and regulating the details of its conduct.
    10. The end of a competition or stage is a condition that occurred earlier:
      1. no protests and appeals at the time of the deadline for their submission
      2. protests and appeals deemed complete
    11. Handicap is a method set out in the rules of the competition, with the aim, as far as possible, to equalize the chances of competitors. Handicaps of two types are applied - weight and time.
    12. Preliminary classification - results published after the end of a particular session or the competition itself. This classification can be changed by the decision of the Stewards.
    13. Final classification - results of the competition, published after all the decisions of the Stewards.
    14. Official source of information - serves to publish official information about the competition by officials. A prerequisite is the possibility of access to the official source for all participants of the competition.
    15. Racetrack is a track, along with all entrance/exit zones, barriers or safety structures, mesh fences and walls, modeled inside a Simulator, serving for purposes of a specific competition/event.
    16. Racetrack limit is a part of the track along which the participants of the competition must drive. The limits are defined as the space between the surface edge and the adjacent ground, or an intermittent or solid line or markers applied with paint on a solid surface. These lines are part of the race track, while kerbs are not.
    17. Pitlane is a specially designated section adjacent to the Racetrack and located in front of the pits, serving for safe access to the Racetrack and exit from it.
    18. Participant (Pilot) – a person driving a car inside the Simulator and allowed to participate in the competition (race). In some disciplines of digital motor sports, several pilots form one crew, as provided by the rules.
    19. Crew – two or more pilots driving the same car inside the Simulator and allowed to participate in the competition (race).
    20. Team – several pilots united under one name to participate in the team competition of one competition.
    21. Steward – an individual authorized by the organizer of the competition to ensure compliance with the rules (regulations).
    22. Board of Stewards (Judges) is a group of Stewards who make decisions jointly.
    23. Competition Officials are persons specially appointed and instructed by the Organizer to perform certain functions, ensure the conduct of the competition and act in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Organizer.
    24. Sports Sanction is a measure of responsibility for violation by a participant of the competition of the rules of a sport, regulations of sports competitions, norms and requirements approved by the Organizer.
    25. Protest is an official complaint filed by a Participant in a certain period of time regarding an action or omission on the part of another participant or official.
    26. Appeal is an official complaint filed within a limited period of time by a Participant against the decision of an official during the competition.
  3. Rights and obligations of the Organizer.
    1. The Organizer shall:
      1. carry out activities for the organization of the competition;
      2. determine the conditions for admission of participants to the competition;
      3. implement measures to counteract illegal influence on the results of the competition;
      4. register the results of the competition races;
      5. register the results of the competition;
      6. organize the judging of the competition;
      7. determine the list of judges and other officials to serve the competition.
    2. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude participants from the competition if names of their team have an obscene or offensive meaning.
    3. The Organizer is not responsible for technical failures of programs and hardware belonging to third parties, including game servers and/or tournament services.
    4. The judging of the competition is carried out by the Board of Stewards, formed in accordance with the procedure established by the Organizer of the competition. The decisions of the Organizer and (or) the Board of Stewards are binding on all participants of the competition, as well as officials of the competition.
    5. Judging is carried out in accordance with this Code of Conduct and its appendices. If a participant commits a violation not directly provided for by this Code of Conduct with appendices, the Organizer and officials have the right to apply one of the sports sanctions to such a participant, guided by the law, the analogy of law and the principles of good faith, reasonableness and fairness.
    6. The judges of the competition and other officials of the competition may not be participants of the competition.
    7. The Organizer reserves the right to apply an individual balance of performance (BOP) at any time prior to the start of qualifying for the upcoming stage. Participants will be notified of such changes in the Official Source of Information.
    8. The Organizer owns the rights to cover the event by broadcasting images and (or) sound by any means and (or) using any technologies, as well as by recording the specified broadcast and (or) photographing the events. The rights to lighting may be used by third parties only on the basis of the permissions of the event organizer or agreements in writing on the acquisition by third parties of these rights from the Organizer.
    9. Names, surnames, photo and video materials depicting participants and their representatives related to participation in competitions, as well as interviews and other materials, may be used by the Organizers to fulfill obligations to conduct the competition or for other purposes that do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
    10. The Organizer has the right to check the information provided by the participant about himself and exclude him from the competition in case of inconsistencies.
    11. In case of collecting entry fees from Participants, the Organizer publishes a full report on the use of the funds received in this way after the end of the competition.
    12. Officials are prohibited from participating in gambling by betting on the results of the competition, as well as trying to influence the result of the competition in any unsportsmanlike way.
    13. The Organizer reserves the right to change this Code of Conduct and its appendices. Such changes must be made no later than 7 days before the start of the competition or the stage of the competition and begin to take effect from the moment of publication in the Official Source of Information.
  4. Rights and obligations of participants.
    1. Competitions are held in accordance with this Code of Conduct and its appendices. All competition officials and participants must know and comply with the requirements of the Code of Conduct and its appendices.
    2. Participants are required to observe confidentiality when communicating with the Organizer and officials of the competition. In particular, all information transmitted to these persons or received from them as part of the submission and consideration of applications, complaints, protests or appeals is confidential and cannot be published without the permission of the Organizer.
    3. Participants are obliged to adhere to generally accepted norms of behavior, show respect for competition officials, spectators, representatives of the press, as well as other participants of the competition.
    4. Participants must use their full names and surnames when registering for participation in the championship and also provide the Organizer with complete and reliable information about themselves.
    5. It is prohibited to use multiple accounts and/or game accounts by the same participant. Any actions aimed at transferring the account to any third party are prohibited. The participant is obliged to inform the Organizer about all changes in the status of his account immediately.
    6. Participants must be registered on SMP Racing Esports website and their account should be linked to the Discord account on SMP Racing Esports Discord server.
    7. Participants are prohibited from using any software that affects the in-game mechanics (including those designed to change in-game parameters) in order to give themselves an advantage and/or create obstacles to the normal course of the race to other participants, as well as personally make changes to the Simulator files for such purposes.
    8. Participants who have ever received a ban from the publisher and/or developer of the Simulator, convicted of fraud, including for using prohibited programs, having a reputation that will negatively affect the public image of the competition, may not be allowed to participate, or disqualified without the right to appeal.
    9. Participants are prohibited from participating in gambling by betting on the results of the competition, as well as trying to influence the result of the competition in any unsportsmanlike way.
    10. Participants are solely responsible for the serviceability of their gaming platform and the correctness of in-game settings: malfunction of input devices, insufficient visibility, insufficient performance of a personal computer or an unstable network connection on the part of the client will not become mitigating circumstances in the event of an accident.
    11. Participants are required to attend Briefings.
    12. If a participant has problems accessing the server, he is obliged to inform the officials about this problem before the official start time of the event. No complaints will be accepted after the start of the race session.
    13. Participants applying for prizes are required to record and save the full telemetry of all sessions of the championship and be ready to provide them at the request of the organizer. The mandatory storage time of telemetry circles begins from the first official sessions of the championship and lasts within a month after the last session of the championship.
    14. Participants' cars can bear any type of advertising, subject to the conditions that this advertising:
      • does not contradict the legislation of Russia and the regulation of the Organizer;
      • it is not related to politics and religion;
      • does not contradict the norms of morality and ethics;
      • is not offensive;
      • does not take up place reserved for stickers and starting numbers of the competition.
    15. Part of the car surface can be reserved for the Organizer's advertising. Such advertising is mandatory and Participants cannot refuse it.
    16. The SMP Racing Esports logo for placement on the participant's stream, download from the link Logo placement rules: you can not change the color, shape; add a shadow; the blue background of the logo must be the top layer. Accommodation at the request of the participant.