Penalty table

Offence the Regulations’ paragraph Qualification penalty Race penalty
Blocking an opponent's car Sports Rules, Paragraph 4.8 Warning 5 sec time penalty
More than one offset on a straight line to protect a position Sports Rules, Paragraph 4.7 Warning 5 sec time penalty
Driving reverse in the pitlane Sports Rules, Paragraph 6.4 Warning 5 sec time penalty
Driving in the pitlane working area Sports Rules, Paragraph 6.5 Warning 5 sec time penalty
Driving reverse on the track Sports Rules, Paragraphs 3.12, 3.13 Disqualification
Action detrimental to the interests of competition or digital motorsport Code of Conduct, Paragraph 4.3 Disqualification
Fraud Code of Conduct, Paragraphs 4.4, 4.5, 4.7 Disqualification
Ignoring the double yellow flag (overtaking, improving sector time) Sports Rules, Paragraph 4.14 Warning 10 sec penalty
Ignoring the double yellow flag (overtaking, improving sector time) Sports Rules, Paragraph 4.14 Warning 10 sec penalty
Ignoring the blue flags Sports Rules, Paragraphs 4.12, 5.2 Warning 5 sec time penalty
Failure to leave a place for the car on the race track Sports Rules, Paragraph 4.4 Warning 10 sec penalty
Failure to comply with the designated race track area Sports Rules, Paragraph 3.3. Контролируется Симулятором Контролируется Симулятором
Missing the briefing Code of Conduct, Paragraph 4.11 Starting from the last place
Overtaking outside the race track Sports Rules, Paragraph 4.2 Warning 10 sec penalty
Dangerous driving (repetition of serious driving mistakes, the appearance of lack of control over the car) Sports Rules, Paragraph 3.1 Warning Exclusion from the race
Dangerous return to the race track Sports Rules, Paragraphs 3.6, 3.7 Warning 5 sec time penalty
Stop in the pitlane driveway Sports Rules, Paragraph 6.10 Warning 5 sec time penalty
Refusal to comply with the decision of officials without valid reason Sports Rules, Paragraph 7.7 Cancellation of the result
Mandatory inscriptions missing on the car Code of Conduct, Paragraph 4.15 Cancellation of the result Start denied
Mentioning of the race organizer missing in the participant's media Code of Conduct, Paragraph 4.16 Cancellation of the result
Missing recording means of objective control required by the competition regulations (telemetry, replay, etc.) Code of Conduct, Paragraph 4.13; The Regulations of the competition Warning Cancellation of the result
Crossing the white line when entering/leaving the pitlane Sports Rules, Paragraphs 6.6, 6.7 Warning 5 sec time penalty
Speeding in the pit lane Sports Rules, Paragraph 6.9 Контролируется Симулятором Контролируется Симулятором
Collision with an opponent's car Sports Rules, Paragraph 3.3 Warning 15 sec penalty or more, depending on the offence severity
Deliberate actions aimed at traffic accident Sports Rules, Paragraph 3.3 Disqualification